USB Redirector Technician Edition 1.9.7 Lifetime Free

USB Redirector Technician Edition 1.9.7 is a small Software that shares your PC’s USB over the Network and can access by other PC remotely without physical access to the device. You’ll need a Windows 7/8/10/11 computer and an original USB Cable to begin the Share process.

Some Features

There are several major features that differentiate USB Redirector Technician Edition from other USB redirection products.

  • Developed specifically for remote servicing. This product was developed with the goal of remote servicing in mind. Thus, it does it in the most efficient way. It can be used for flashing, programming, or any other type of servicing.
  • Supports a broad range of USB devices. It can be used to service printers, smartphones, mobiles, 3G modems, embedded devices, or any other USB devices that support servicing over a USB cable.
  • Free customer module. Comes with a free customer module, an easy-to-use portable application that works on the customer’s side and redirects USB devices to the technician.

Download USB Redirector 2023 Edition

File Name: USB Redirector Technician Edition 1.9.7
File Size: 7.2MB
File Type: Zip/Rar
Compatible OS: Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 (both 32bit & 64bit)
Credit: Developer
File Password(if ask):
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How to Download and Install on Windows

  1. First, Head over to the above Download Links
  2. Choose the required version and start downloading
  3. After the download is complete, Save it on Your Computer
  4. Now, Extract the Zip file using Winrar or 7Zip
  5. Open the Extracted folder and double-click the .exe file
  6. Now Accept the Terms & Conditions and proceed
  7. Choose the Installation folder (c: drive Recommended)
  8. Follow the on-screen instructions and complete the installation
  9. voila, Software is installed Successfully on your computer
  10. Enjoy!

How to Use USB Redirector 1.9.7? 

 1. First Download Nokia HMD PIN+FRP Unlock Tool USB Redirector 1.9.7

 2. Then Run as administrator USB Redirector 1.9.7


 3. Click Next & Enter the IP Address of the Other PC (Where you have to share)

4. Then click Connect Button 


 5. When you see USB Redirector Step 1 then connect the Device to the PC


 6. Now you’re on Step 2 

7. Go to and copy your IP address and send it to another Person. 


 8. In Step 3 another Pc connect Your device and your USb share to Them. 

 9. Wait for Process Done.


 10. When you see Setup 4 It means Your work is Done.

Watch Tutorial Videos

Samsung FRP Tool: KG Unlocked


[*]Antivirus: Please Disable Windows Defender or any Antivirus installed on your Computer. Otherwise, Setup or some important files will be deleted or corrupted by Antimalware.

[*]Warning: Using third-party tools on Android devices may void the warranty and can result in data loss or device damage. Use at your own risk.

[*]Backup: Make sure always back up your device’s user data before performing any modifications.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Is the USB Redirector Technician Edition 1.9.7 Free to use?

    Yes, it is completely free to download and use.

  2. What purpose of using USB Redirector Technician Edition 1.9.7?

    You can use it to share USB devices over a network.

  3. Is USB Redirector Technician Edition 1.9.7 Safe to Use?

    Yes, it is completely safe for your device and Also for computers and laptops.

  4. Is it Compatible with All Windows versions?

    Yes, You can use it on Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11, or later (32-bit and 64-bit).

  5. Is there any alternative Flash Tool?

    Yes, there is an alternative tool called Android Utility (MTK META Utility). Android Utility (MTK META Utility) is another flash tool that was developed for flashing firmware, custom ROMs, and recovery images onto Android smartphones and tablets.

  6. How can I Find Firmware Stock ROM for Android?

    You can download it from the Official Manufacturer’s website or you can check Trusted Alternate Websites like A2GSM, BBKROM, A2GSMTOOLS, Firmware File, and GSMMafia.

  7. Where can I download the USB Drivers?

    You can download the official USB drivers from here, or Alternatively, you can download from websites like A2GSM, or XDA Developers forum.

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